Kassel, GER | Research Stay | March 23 to June 30
New York, USA | Speaker at the Learning Ideas Conference 2024 | June 12-14
Manchester, UK | Speaker at the BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting | September 8-12
The project focus on academic reinforcement since in the Herlinda Toral Educational Unit’s institutional self-assessment the academic reinforcement has a 79% of effectiveness, in other words, it exists a 21% of students with low academic performance that they do not reach the required learnings even after the academic performance. Consequently, the project’s objective is to applicate an institutional improvement plan focused on management of academic reinforcement to develop performance-criterion skills for the students that do not reach required learnings. The methodology frames in a social critical paradigm that it employs participatory action research with a mixed approach. It is a mixed approach because it considers quantitative and qualitative data through survey applied to collect information about the methodology strategies used and that they have given better learning results in the academic reinforcement. The principal result is the application of the institutional improvement plan to manage the academic reinforcement, it was an effective of 80%, in other words, 8 of 10 students reach the required learnings. In conclusion, the present project contributed to manage of the institutional academic reinforcement through a systematic way and it responses to learning’s particularities of primary and secondary education.
Publication date: August 2019.
Description: Degree thesis, Digital Repository of the National University of Education (UNAE).
How to cite (APA Seventh edition):
Ortega Ochoa, E. & Taquez Taquez, A. (2019). Plan de refuerzo académico para el desarrollo de destrezas con criterio de desempeño [Degree thesis, National University of Education Digital Repository]. National University of Education.